• Minot Union Meeting September 24th 7:00 PM – Monthly Union Meeting @ Minot Hall full calendar
  • Bismarck Union Meeting September 25th 7:00 PM – Meeting at the Bismarck Hall full calendar
  • Williston Union Meeting September 26th 7:00 PM – At the Williston Training Center full calendar
  • Minot Union Meeting October 29th 7:00 PM – Monthly Union Meeting @ Minot Hall full calendar
  • Bismarck Union Meeting October 30th 7:00 PM – At the Bismarck Hall full calendar
  • Williston Union Meeting October 31st 7:00 PM – At the Williston Training Center full calendar

Local 714 Blood Screening

Bismarck-Minot -

Members will be receiving information regarding the Blood Screening.  They will need to fill out the fold form that is included in their mailing and send it back to the fund office in the envelope provided.  They will need to contact Sanford Occupational Medicine office at the location they choose to set up an appointment between 9/30 & 11/30/24.  They will need to specify they are scheduling a "wellness visit for the IBEW wellness event" when making the appointment.  They will have the choice of getting a flu shot while they are there as well.

All eligible members, spouses and dependents 18+ will receive $100/person credited to the subscriber's premium credit account.

Williston -

They were unable to reach anyone at Trinity to set up a specific screening timeframe, so there will be a letter to Williston area participants.  This letter states they can go to their primary care provider (in network) and request to have the same tests ran with them.  They will also need to fill out the gold form but note they are in the Williston area.  Once they have received the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) from the plan, they need to send a copy to the fund office and they will credit them for attending the screening as noted above.